Some recent articles
My main current research interests in linguistics are: the formalism of phonological representation; poetic meter and the way it travels from one tradition to the next; and language policy. Here are some of my recent papers; for a complete list of publications please see my CV.
Bax, P.A., Coppen, P.A.J.M., Evers-Vermeul, J., Glopper, C.M. de, Herten, M., Mantingh, E., Oostendorp, M. van & Voorst. 2021. Bewuste geletterheid in perspectief. Kennis, vaardigheden en inzichten. Nederlands, Vakdidactiek Geesteswetenschappen.
Oostendorp, M. van and I.L. Stengs. 2021. Meertensonderzoek in tijden van corona. In: Van Oostendorp, Marc Wolff, Simone (ed.). Viraal Nederland: Taal en cultuur van de eerste golf. Uitgeverij Sterck & De Vreese. 7-13.
Oostendorp, M. van. 2021.'Wij zijn nog geen lijk/Wij zijn jullie opa en oma': Persoonlijk voornaamwoorden op Coronagedicht.nl. In: Van Oostendorp, Marc Wolff, Simone (ed.). Viraal Nederland: Taal en cultuur van de eerste golf. Uitgeverij Sterck & De Vreese. 27-40.
Oostendorp, M. van and E. Cavirani. 2020. A theory of the theory of vowels. In: Nasukawa, Kuniya (editors). Morpheme-internal Recursion in Phonology. De Gruyter Mouton. 37-56.
Oostendorp, M. van and R. D'Alessandro. 2020. Language Variation and Functional Heads: Magnetic Grammar. Linguistic Analysis 42/4, 405-440.
Oostendorp, M. van. 2020. Germanic Syllable Structure. In: Putnam, M.T and Page, Richard (ed.). The Cambridge Handbook of Germanic Linguistics. Chapter 2, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 33-48.
Zijlmans, A.H.M., Oostendorp, M. van and Hout, R.W.N.M. van. 2020. Studying in a foreign language. Study performance and experiences of German students at a Dutch university. Language Learning in Higher Education, 10 (1), 25-51. doi: 10.1515/cercles-2020-2017
Cavirani, E. and Oostendorp, M. van. 2019. Empty morphemes in Dutch dialect atlases: Reducing morphosyntactic variation by refining emptiness typology. Glossa. A Journal of General Linguistics, 4 (1):88.
Oostendorp, M. van. 2019. Language contact and constructed languages. Darquennes, Jeroen Salmons, Joseph Vandenbussche, Wim (ed.). Language Contact. Chapter 11, Handbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. 124-136.
Oostendorp, M. van and R. D'Alessandro. 2019. Metaphony as magnetism. In: Grimaldi, Mirko and Lai, Rosangela Franco, Ludovico Baldi, Benedetta (ed.). Structuring Variation in Romance Linguistics and Beyond. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing. 289-306.
Studying in a foreign language: Study performance and experiences of German students at a Dutch university
Paper in Language Learning in Higher Education (August 2020)
Germanic syllable structure
Chapter for a Handbook on Germanic linguistics. (December 2017).
Language Contact and Constructed Languages
Chapter for a Handbook on Language contact. (December 2017).
On the Diversity of Linguistic Data and the Integration of the Language Sciences
Paper with Roberta D'Alessandro (November 2017)
Metaphony as magnetism
Paper with Roberta D'Alessandro (October 2017)
On silent markedness
Paper together with Edoardo Cavirani on different kinds of phonological empty positions. (February 2017).
Dual metrics in the Tsjebbe Hettinga's poetry
Paper on the intriguing metrics of probably the most famous Frisian poet ever. (February 2017).
The head in poetic metrics
Paper on what phonology and poetry can see from each other (January 2017).
Van Oostendorp, M. 2015. Parameters in phonological analysis: stress. In A. Fabregas, J. Mateu, & M. Putnam (Eds.), Contemporary Linguistic Parameters. (pp. 234-258). (Contemporary Studies in Linguistics). London: Bloomsbury.